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Useful Links for Educators

As CSR Consultants, we understand the crucial role educators play in shaping the future workforce.
We are excited to provide you with a curated collection of valuable links and resources specifically designed to help you in supporting learners interested in joining the construction industry and making connections to the value of STE(A)M subjects.

Whether you're looking for educational materials, industry insights or resources , our goal is to empower you with the tools you need to inspire and educate the next generation of skilled professionals.


Explore our handpicked selection of resources and discover how our expertise can enhance your teaching experience


If you have a resource to add, let us know!


A- Z of Construction jobs 

GoConstruct have put together a handy A-Z guide of all the roles in construction, where students can find information about salary, training, how to get into the job and can even hear from people already working in the construction industry.

National Careers Service 

 Careers information, advice and guidance which can help you to make decisions on learning, training and work at all stages in your career.
This service is available to people who live in England.


The Educator landscape 

Useful platform on how to encourage employers to engage with education 


Talentview Construction

The place for talented people to find first jobs, apprenticeships and work experience in construction

Careers in Engineering 

 Variety of resources for careers in Engineering 

National Careers week one stop shop

This is the place to get all your classic National Careers Week resources. The three main sections you’ll find everything you are looking for are activities, planning & printables, and booklets & guides 

Skills for Life 

Find training, support and advice to gain the skills you need for the job you want

Careers in Engineering 

 Variety of resources for careers in Engineering 

National Careers week one stop shop

This is the place to get all your classic National Careers Week resources. The three main sections you’ll find everything you are looking for are activities, planning & printables, and booklets & guides 


Go Construct
Go Construct provides resources for anyone looking for a career in the construction and built environment sector.


A list of organisations that provide apprenticeships 



 Locate Volunteering opportunities to help your local community 


Introduction of T Levels

Information on T levels 


Guidance  on Online Encounters for Gatsby Benchmarks 5 & 6

Understanding Traineeships - Webinar

 Exclusive webinar for Schools to find out more about traineeships and how they are of value to young adults aged 16-24 or 25 with an Education Health Care Plan.
Hear from expert speaker, Steve Latus, Head of Traineeships at the ESFA on the latest updates 

T Levels Expirence Film 

With a mix of learning and on-the-job training, a digital T Level was a no-brainer for aspiring ethical hacker Shechinah. Students can watch her story in this short film.

Apprenticeships 100 Days Film 

This new Amazing Apprenticeships film hears from a wide variety of apprentices about their first 100 days and the advice and insight they would give to others.


Amazing Apprenticeships - Case Studies 

Case Studies on people who have done apprenticeships and STEM Ambassadors


How to apply for a job in construction
Helpful resource for careers sessions 


Careers in housebuilding

Lots of opportunities in the field showcasing  the options 


Jobshare Podcast

This is the place for careers for the next generation. If you are an employer looking to grow your business with new talent or a young person looking at getting and succeeding in a job then we are here for you.We (Charlie, Natalie and Katia) have been working with young people for...let's just say a long time...with the goal of helping them to find their way in a career they are excited about with employers who are committed to developing talent from a new generation talent pool.

The LEP Network

The LEP Network champions the impact and value of LEPs in building local economic growth and prosperity across the country. It acts as the lead commentator and negotiator for LEPs at a national level with government, advisers, businesses, academia, think tanks and other target audiences. It also acts as a central source of information and data on LEPs at a national level.


Seven men walking towards houses, each wearing hard hats and high vis jackets with "CALA Homes" written on the backs.
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